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Capital One Spring and St Pete-based Tech Firm Partner to Amp-up Value to Real Estate Transactions
March 2, 2021 has developed a partnership with Capital One Spring to provide a unique financial benefit to Spring customers. Spring is a growing online discounts platform partnering with over 100 industry leading merchants to ...
Read MoreCOVID-era Philanthropy Design by St. Petersburg-based Tech Company
January 22, 2021
"We're thrilled to have the support of to help us in the fight against cancer, said Brant Woodward, American Cancer Society Southeast Region executive vice president. "We can't and won't allow progress in cancer ...
Read MorePreventing Home Fires through Partnership with American Red Cross and St Pete-based Tech Firm
January 20, 2021
In the wake of Covid-19, donations to critical services such as those provided by the American Red Cross have declined. In response to this need while wanting to create funding that is sustainable, developed a system ...
Read MoreReal estate tech company founder talks COVID-era trends and solutions for municipalities
December 14, 2020 is a St. Petersburg-based tech company that was born during the mortgage crisis of 2009 as a solution to finding the best agents to buy or sell real estate when everything seemed immovable. Today the company is ...
Read MoreMore Donations for Habitat for Humanity Through National Real Estate Partnership - Habitat for Humanity of Pinellas and West Pasco Counties
December 10, 2020
"The unintended consequence of a booming real estate market is that many families have been left behind. Through our partnership with our local Habitat for Humanity, we intend to help bring some balance to our local ...
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