You have many choices to consider when buying a house. How many bedrooms do you want? What key features are most important to you? Where do you want to live? And, what type of home do you want -- a townhouse or a free-standing house? Townhouses are like most other houses, except that they are narrow, multi-storied, and attached to other houses on the street. You might see a row of 10 townhouses attached to each other on a block. People who own townhouses pay homeowners association (HOA) fees that cover varying elements of the townhome or complex (like yard or community pool maintenance, insurance, etc.). Detached homes, on the other hand, are free-standing buildings that do not touch each other. The owner owns the home and the land on all sides of the building. They pay no HOA fees and are responsible for the entire property. When looking to buy a home, there are several things to consider if you are debating between a townhouse vs. house. Here are a few differences and factors that may sway your decision.